New writing assistant and thoughts on robots

Are we redundant?

Today, we’ll look at a new writing tool to give Grammarly a run for their money, and we’ll have some deep thoughts (or not?) about the current run on LLMs.

First, the Thing to Play With: Cologne-based unicorn DeepL has released a beta version of their new AI-powered writing assistant at:

Given that their translation service is by far the best free web solution available (yes, better than ChatGPT), I'm very curious to see where they go with this and whether Grammarly users are already switching.

Here you can see an example (meta, yes):

Second, a Thought to Ponder:

I also read somewhere recently about how we all expected blue collar jobs to be automated away first (by robots), whereas now it looks like it might be white collar jobs instead (by LLMs and other “generative AI”). To be honest, there's probably a little bit of both going on.

That’s it for today, expect more stuff to think about and play with tomorrow!