Pair programming with AI & weird images

Come on, whose hands don't have 6 or 7 fingers?

Today, we take a look at the future of software development as well as an area where generative AI is still easy to call out. Or is it?

First, the Thing To Play With (if you are a developer): Replit, whose core offering is an online collaborative IDE, has announced their new “Ghostwriter Chat”. After already enabling code snippet suggestions and other AI-based features, this takes their platform to a new level with a language-based interface for generating or debugging code (and more). Ever been puzzled by an error message? They’ve got you, now.

It seems to me that the future of just describing what you want in plain text and getting the code for it is fiendishly close. Or maybe it's already here.

Second, a Twitter account (and subreddit) to follow for fun, stupid, and sometimes just creepy images generated by AI. I picked one here that probably won’t make you loose sleep, but go on twitter and you will find some very disturbing (or funny) content of people with too many fingers and other things… viewer discretion advised ^^

On a more serious note, there is the question of where this stuff is already entering the public sphere in a more impactful way. For example, recently, there was a whole kerfuffle around a french protest and some very emotionally powerful images. Problem was, they weren’t real.

I guess we are safe always looking at the hands for proof. For now…